Coaching Beyond the Game:
Professional Development
for Coaches
Each month, the NCA will be featuring an excerpt from the DVD Coaching Beyond the Game
and offering related resources on that excerpt’s topic.
Purchase the DVD Coaching Beyond the Game from the Coaches Choice Store.

Monthly Message from Coach Tom Osborne, May 2014:
Featured Excerpt, May 2014: “Fans, a Reflection of the Coach” (Ch 21)
and “Making a Difference” (Ch 22)
Continuing Resources for May 2014:

The following resources are provided by:
American Football Coaches Association
- The Two Minute Warning! – Ron Stolski: Lessons Learned over 50 Years
- A Coaches’ Influence: Beyond the Game – Click here to purchase the book

The following resources are provided by:
Coach for America
- InSideOut Coaching: How Sports Can Transform Lives by Joe Ehrmann

The following resources are provided by:
Coaches Choice
- Coaching to Change Lives (Parker/Rutledge)
- Value-Based Coaching (Mayer/Mayer)
- Learning to Accept Responsibility Through Athletics (Dennis Parker)
- The Magic of Teamwork (Pat Williams)

The following resources are provided by:
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The following resources are provided by:
HUMANeX Ventures
- Introducing the 2014 IMPACT & LEGACY SUMMIT
- Highlights from past IMPACT & LEGACY SUMMIT
- Motivate Yourself & Your Athletes Toward Excellence
- For more information on HUMANeX Ventures or the 2014 IMPACT & LEGACY SUMMIT, please contact Andy Grant (andy.grant@humanexventures.com)

The following resource is provided by:
Proactive Coaching
Monthly Themes:
October, 2013:
Ch. 5: Coaches’ Power of Influence
November, 2013:
Ch. 6: Breakdown of the Home
Ch. 7: Looking for Role Models
December, 2013:
Ch. 8: Will the Best for Them
Ch. 9: Serving Your Players Does Not Equal Softness
January, 2014:
Ch. 11: Self-Motivation & Goal Setting
February, 2014:
March, 2014:
April, 2014:
May, 2014:
Ch. 21: Fans: Reflection of the Coach
Ch. 22: Making a Difference